Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Streaming Stars (Transcender Trilogy Book 2) Review and Interview

It is my privilege to host Vicky Savage once again on my blog, reading the Second Book in the Series Transcender Trilogy. A Honor to work with her and a great author. 

Streaming Stars (Transcender Trilogy Book 2)

Author: Vicky Savage
Series: Transcender Trilogy
Pages: 425
Self Published

Available at Amazon Kindle/ Paperbag

Eighteen-year-old Jaden Beckett has thirty days to make the ultimate decision about her destiny. Which path will she choose? Her current life with her loving family in Connecticut? An alternate life in an intriguing parallel world with the man she loves? Or the astonishing life of a multi-universe Transcender?

In Streaming Stars, Book 2 of the Transcender Trilogy, Jaden and her mentor, Agent Ralston, return to Domerica, where she reunites with her mother and her fiancé, Ryder Blackthorn, embarks upon fantastic Transcender adventures in exotic parallel worlds, and narrowly escapes a hit squad of Black Knights.
In the end, Jaden’s decision is anything but simple.

Interview with Vicky Savage
1.       Where did the idea come from for the book?
My favourite books growing up were about women in medieval times. I love the noble horses, brave knights, and all-consuming romance of that era, but I my heroine needed to be strong, not a damsel in distress. Also, I really didn’t want to deal with all the sticky issues of life without plumbing or electricity. Faced with the dilemma of placing an independent modern teen in a medieval-type setting with indoor plumbing and great clothes, I realized that fantasy was the way to go. Instead of time-travel, which I think is a little boring and overdone, I came up with the idea of someone who actually possesses the ability to travel among parallel worlds at will.
2.       What genre does your book fall under?
It’s got a little something for everyone. Mainly, it can be described as fantasy/paranormal/romance, with a little sci-fi thrown in, but there’s also plenty of adventure and humour. It was written as a YA crossover book. I’ve been surprised at the number of male readers, and the number of adult readers. They actually outnumber the teens. Go figure. 
3.       Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
For the main actors, I’ll do my best, but I know them so well it’s hard to pick individuals who are not the people who live in my imagination.
Jaden Beckett: She’s tall, athletic, and individually strong. Jennifer Lawrence, star of the Hunger Games would be great, and she has shown her comedic side in, Silver Linings Playbook, but she’s a little mature for this role. So possibly an exciting new face on the scene would be the best Jaden.
Ryder Blackthorn: Liam Hemsworth would be perfect. Enough said.
Agent Ralston: He’s really a Michael Caine-type character, but younger, so I’m thinking Jude Law as a stuffy old British-type would be more than wonderful.
Asher Steele: Alex Pettyfer would be amazing as Ryder Blackthorn’s rival. Sexy, sensitive, and yummy, he’s what Jaden wants and needs, but he’s not her perpetual love ...
4.       What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
With only thirty days to decide, Jaden Beckett must make an irrevocable choice regarding her destiny: does she continue in her current life as a Connecticut teenager soon to enter Yale University; opt for an alternate life in an intriguing parallel world as a royal engaged to the man she loves; or embrace the astonishing life she was born to live as a multi-universe Transcender?
5.       Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
The first book in the Trilogy, Transcender: First-Timer was published by me under my imprint, Vicky Savage. Book 2, Streaming Stars will likewise be published by me.
6.       How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
The first draft of the manuscript for Book 2 took about six months. Editing and rewrites took an additional few months. Then timing considerations were taken into account before deciding when to release it to the public.
7.       What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
This is the toughest question to respond to. Lots of romance, but no vampires or werewolves, so not Twilight. The Transcender Trilogy is more fun and less dystopian than Hunger Games. I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone for its wit and prose, but Streaming Stars is more grounded in real life. Anna Dressed in Blood is similarly humorously written, but the books are decidedly not horror. As the author, I guess I like to think the trilogy is in a class of its own.
8.       Who or What inspired you to write this book?
A few years back when my son was in middle school, the school librarian cajoled me into hosting regular books clubs for the students. That’s when I fell hopelessly in love with the YA genre, especially fantasy/paranormal novels. The stories were so fresh and exciting. After I hosted a particularly fun Twilight book club for students and their mothers’, I resolved to finally write the book I’d been toying with in the back of my mind for years.
9.       What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
What I’ve been told that the storyline, characters, and events suck in the reader to the point where he or she becomes emotionally invested in what happens next. Something different about my books is that they conclude in teasingly unresolved endings, which makes them ineligible for most book awards contests because they’re not stand-alones. But, as Kirkus Reviews said about Transcender, “it all ends in a cliffhanger that should keep involved readers salivating for the next installment.” Makes for a good trilogy, right?
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My 5 Star Review
I totally agree Vicky. The Transcender Trilogy stand all alone in a class of its own. I really enjoyed both Book 1 and 2 in the Trilogy Series. I can picture the two actors as Jaden and Ryder, with Micheal Caine as Ralston, a perfect choice.

Frustrated was the first thing that popped in my mind when I got too the last page. Not because the book was bad but because we are left with another cliffhanger at the end of the day. I totally got lost in between the pages hoping that our two main characters Jaden and Ryder would come together.
But twists and turns through out the book just kept them apart. I must admit although frustrated at the end the author kept you glued to the book, succeeding in her ability to let you continue reading.  Wanting to get to the next Book as quick as possible. Her way of easy telling just keep you wondering what the two would face next. It keeps you on your toes making sure the coffee mug or water glass is filled not moving from your favorite spot to get to the end.
The plot was well thought, well written with interesting characters added to keep you entertained, and guessing.
Again we meet up with Jaden, Princess of Dormerica the parallel world of earth. Chief Ryder Blackthorne, Ralston her brother Andrew, mother the Queen and her father. All the old characters are back and have evolved in their own right. This book start off a year later after her disappearance to be back in the castle. Prepared to take over the reign from her mother who is terminally ill. And again she had to say goodbye. It was extremely painful but yet also comforting because now she could say goodbye.
We meet up with a group of Transcenders which help her to adapt with her gift, faced with the question if she can commit to her life as Princess/Queen Jaden staying where she is or travel the world with a click of a button. 
Questions in the first Book is answered now so that you have a greater understanding about the plot. But again you are left with questions at the end. I really hope we do not have to wait to long for the 3rd Book.
As I have stated a few times before I am not a huge fan of YA books but this Series I enjoyed immensely.  So I can recommend this too not only young adults but mature readers with a love for YA fantasy books. It is filled with action, adventure, intrigue and romance. With all the growing pains surrounding such an relationship. Adding the responsibilities of taking over the reign, making decisions not only for herself but a country and you have a very good read.
The one thing that bothered me about Jaden was her ability to threw a spanner in the water works so to speak every time in her friendships. I mean here she is making plans to over throw her uncle's evil plans, taking charge but yet when it comes to Ryder and Ralston she slips up, pushing them away when they do not conform to her frame of mind. Forgetting that she too have things hidden from them. Living a lie even more than they do.
But then she goes and set things straight with Erica and you are left with a ahhhh moment. Jaden is forgiven for her missteps. 
After all she is only eighteen years old. Which is understandable. Many grown ups do not get this. But her ability to adapt and listen. To make quick decisions, strong willed in her actions but yet staying humble with the huge task at hand is what make her a great and believable character. 

Thank you Vicky for sharing your story.

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